Slightly Prepared for My Final Battle.
This is our final quiz on the 21st century, and I was slightly prepared because this topic is more about memorization and history. Although history is boring for me, I must review it to pass the quiz. Another group review with my classmates about the topic and made a story and a song about the people who lead in this country. I discovered that it is easier to study when people or your classmates are narrating the topic rather than memorizing it one by one. I was grateful to them because it was a big help for me that they were willing to share their knowledge to me. Before our quiz started, our teacher discussed some information that everyone didn't know that might appear on the test. I'm really determined that I listened carefully to his discussion before the test, and I was right that all of it was on the options. I was lacking in knowledge on the second part because it is a crossword puzzle, but our teacher whol...